Unnatural 20's

Comic Con Year 2: The Con is Still On



We may not have been able to hit the streets of Comic-Con this year, but that's not going to stop us from bringing you that exclusive, fully researched, 100% accurate Comic-Con news! So scan your badge and get ready to join the party as we get permission to roll down a hill, up the offer with a dropkick, baby bird some info into your ears, tell of the Bagel War battle wounds, live like a teenager, find our corn soulmate, stage a trojan horse with a rock, overthrow our lizard father, sign up for big bodies and tiny heads, weaponize corn, save Hank Green, snitch to Santa, put a quarter in the matchmaking jukebox, meet Thanos on the basketball court, take advantage of a good talking piece, accept the big happiness, allow only technology to get close to us, collect the meditation pack, celebrate hair, appreciate the chaotic D&D player, gain a fear of albino trees, and take the con home with us.   Join in on the adventure by sending your "quests" to unnatural20s@gmail.com   Check out all of our bonus content o