Too Much Brian Podcast

#24 - Shoes and Socks



this is an exciting episode where we dive deeper into who may be listening in Chicago and we compare the probable condifions of the child workers of the famed "Jordan" shoe from Nike and Tom's Shoes. They need to help each other out maybe. And then we dive into the meat of the episode.. WHERE ARE ALL MY SOCKS GOING??? I really want to know. I wish i did. Are women taking them to manipulate when we take the relationship to the next level. Are we exposing a secret government conspiracy to reimpliment the institution of marriage and getting us to ask our ladies to move in with us.  Where is the political platofrm addressing such behaviors. All this and more on this weeks episode.   Be sure to follow our fearless leader as he uncovers the hidden conspiracies facing our nation @brianrileycomic and