Some Noise

Ep. 019 — Technology People



“Thank you Mr. Machine...or Ms. Machine?” —John Zerzan About: What does one make of our future—like the one 50 years from now? The answer, or rather a possible answer, has a lot to do with choice and technology. Whether we survive or go extinct is, however, another question. Show Notes: [01:20] A link to download the Park Mobile app [01:25] “Inamorata (Marimba Solo)” by Blue Dot Sessions [04:40] “Inside the Tower” by Visager [06:15] More on Clooneys Pub (SFGate) [06:40] Light reading on the James Comey hearings (CNN) [07:50] More on Peter Eckersley (Electronic Frontier Foundation) [08:20] Light reading on the latest allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 US Election (The New York Times) [09:40] “When in the West” by Blue Dot Sessions [09:45] Light reading on: The abacus (Ryerson University) The astrolabe (Smithsonian Magazine) The sundial (How Stuff Works) The analytical engine (ThoughtCo) And a worthwhile video on Charles Babbage And this Crash Course series on the history of computing i