Microbe Magazine Podcast

The use of remdesivir against SARS-CoV-2 (AAC ed.)



AAC Launches a new section. New perspectives on antimicrobial agents seeks to provide a clinically-oriented, concise summary supported by emerging clinical trial and/or real-world data. Our first article will be focused on remdesivir Objectives: • Review the rationale for the use of remdesivir against SARS-CoV-2 • Discuss the clinical data supporting the use of remdesivir for COVID-19 • Elaborate on future studies and knowledge gaps for the use of remdesivir New Perspectives on Antimicrobial Agents are brief invited reviews (limit of 4,000 words, exclusive of references) of antimicrobial agents that have been recently introduced into clinical practice. The aim is to provide a clinically-oriented, concise summary supported by emerging clinical trial and/or real-world data. Reviews should include a discussion on the importance of new findings in advancing the field and perspective on the agent’s place in therapy. Opinions and commentary may be included. Multidisciplinary authors are highly encouraged We have de