Soulful Mba

126 The Value of a Wife



On this episode of the Soulful MBA podcast, we talk about a slightly controversial topic—the value of a wife. We touch on several articles we’ve read recently about the economic benefits for men who have a wife at home (or at least in a position where she is still primarily responsible for childcare and the emotional labor that takes place in families).   As feminists and entrepreneurs, we felt that it was important to invite this conversation into our community because there is still so much we need to shift in our culture around gender and the workplace.   Do you also wish for a wife—someone to take care of all the details and homework so that you can focus on your career and on building your business?   The first article we’re discussing is “70% of Top Male Earners in the US Have a Spouse Who Stays Home”. Another article we’d like to talk about is titled “What ‘Good’ Dads Get Away With”, which is the other side of the coin. You might have a husband who does a lot more than most husbands and fathers, yet yo