Soulful Mba

114 Do I Really Need a Sales Funnel?



If you’re working in the online sphere, you’ve probably heard the term “sales funnel” more times than you can count. But understanding what it is (and how it can help your business) is a whole other story. A sales funnel is a series of steps that potential customers take on the way to purchasing. It’s a marketing term for the customer journey, although that “journey” is definitely a guided tour led by the seller. This marketing model allows online entrepreneurs to simultaneously refine their messaging, and get real-time data capturing which customer segments are responsive to their offers. Sounds great, right? Maybe... While the analogy of a funnel can be useful to a point, we believe that it oversimplifies the relationship that we have with or audience. (Listen in to learn what kind of model we use instead.)   Other Mentions: How the Flywheel Killed HubSpot's Funnel   Joy: Roar. 30 Women. 30 Stories. Hustle: More Start-Ups Have an Unfamiliar Message for Venture Capitalists: Get Lost