Glacial Multimedia, Inc. Podcasts

Things We're Doing in 2017



Glacial is constantly adapting and changing. The digital market realm is ever evolving and we strive to find the best and most effective tools, procedures, and methods for our clients. 2016 was a whopper of a year as far as new digital marketing techniques and trends. From Geofencing to HIPPA compliancy, we’ve monitored it all and thought it might be good idea to share with you some of the larger areas we’re going to be focused on in 2017. This is of course not everything we’re focused on, simply some of the areas we thought you’d like to know about. Listen in as Darryl Quinlan, Michelle Pelletier, Angie Grosso, Spencer Pontbriand and a special surprise guest walk through our big ticket item focus for 2017.