Physique Mastery

Metabolic Slow Down When Getting Shredded After 40



In today's episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast we're going to talk about the possible reasons why your weight loss slows down or even plateaus. Is it metabolic slow down? Or worse... is your metabolism damaged? And most important.. what changes you should make to speed your fat loss back up. We'll also discus super high protein diets and diets that may be sub optimal for muscle building. Plus the things that can make fat loss almost feel effortless. 0:45 - Hectors fat loss success. (how much weight he's losing per week and how many calories he's consuming. 2:10 - Why his weight loss has slowed down and what changes he needs to make to speed his fat loss back up. 5:32 - The benefits of keeping your caloric intake and lifestyle the same each and every day rather than having cheat days or refeed days. 7:55 - Analyzing a fellow jacked physique coaches diet. 12:00 - Why don't more people consume high protein diets if it's harder for protein to be converted to fat? 17:02 - Why this mini-cut feels almost e