Physique Mastery

Benefits of Varying Exercise Selection



Changing exercises in your workout plan isn't about "confusing your muscles". If anything, physique mastery is about practicing the same things over and over again. After all, improving the quality of how you execute a movement is a form of progression. Exercise selection is a prime example of why it's important to take a big picture approach with your training. Building a system rather than haphazardly piecing together various workout plans. Over the course of three to four months you should have some core exercises that you continue to progress with. In the beginning your progress will come in the form of efficiency in the movement. From there progress can occur by increasing reps, load, or sets. As important as it is to keep some elements of your training the same, it's also important to incorporate some variety. In episode 39 of the Physique Mastery Podcast we share the reasons why you should change up certain exercises, which exercises you should swap out, and when to make those changes. Click play