Physique Mastery

The Pre-Diet Diet To Set You Up For Success In January



A new year is upon us and the holiday gatherings are in full effect. For many physique focused bros, the resolution to get ripped has already been planted in their mind. The thought of working toward getting cut and jacked come January 1st has you all fired up. But what now? You still have two weeks of 2016 remaining. What will you do with this time? Do you over indulge with all the festivities going on? Telling yourself, "I may as well get it out of my system now since I'll be dieting in two weeks." You certainly wouldn't be alone if you made that decision. I know I've been there and done that countless times in the past. Funny thing is, I convinced myself that it was a smart move each time. That somehow pigging out on junk and alcohol would make my upcoming diet much easier. This couldn't be further from the truth! Which is why Bryan and I have dedicated this episode of the Physique Mastery Podcast to sharing pre-diet strategies that will allow you to enjoy your holidays while setting you up for success