Robyn Rishani

How to Set Boundaries For Your Kids Internet Use



When it comes to internet use, I’m a big advocate for setting boundaries and guidelines on what they do with their devices and how much time they spend online and what sort of activities they do online. It’s really age-dependent on how much time you spend or let them spend on the internet and what sort of activities they’re allowed to do, what sort of apps they’re allowed to do and things like that. I say to parents, “Place boundaries and guidelines.” Place boundaries and guidelines similar to what you would in the traditional playground, the traditional playground being in the offline world. So, for example, we’re really good at saying, “No, you can’t go out at 8:00 at night, you must be home by 7:00 PM and if you’re not, this, this and this is going to happen. These are going to be the consequences.” The child comes home and all is good and well, hopefully. Apply those same boundaries and guidelines to the online world. If they are playing a video game, “No, you must be off by 7:00,” for example. Visit