Maedels With A Microphone

Podcast: The East Side Gallery Protest



In 1987, Ronald Reagan stood in front of the Brandenburg Gate and demanded that the Berlin Wall be torn down. Twenty-three years later, Berliners demanded that it stay put. When word got out on social networking sites that part of the East Side Gallery, one of the last remaining segments of the barrier that once divided East and West Berlin for 28 years before it was torn down, would be dismantled, Berliners took to the streets to prevent the destruction. Following a weekend of protest and public fury, the East Side Gallery, which is adorned with murals painted by more than 100 artists from around the world in the spring of 1990, was saved -- for now. We've tried our best to document the confusing course of events and to dissect what the East Side Gallery means to people. Let us know if we've missed anything! The music used in this podcast is from the Soundcloud user Novi