Not Your: China Doll

Welcome to "Not Your: China Doll"



Welcome! And thank you for joining me for my very first podcast series, "Not Your: China Doll." The purpose of this series is to promote the voices, stories, experiences, and perspectives of Asian-American women within white-America. For too long, mainstream America has depicted us as the model minority (silent, submissive, and conservative) and the perpetual foreigner (asking us, “But where are you really from?” or “What’s your real name?”, assuming we are all Chinese and related, and mocking our languages and cultures). However, unlike previous generations, more Asian-American millennials are U.S. born--making these stereotypes that much more offensive and outdated. We are not invisible, but the mainstream American media has not taken the time to really see us for who we are. Our narratives not only show our histories, cultures, and immigrant experiences but also humanizes and legitimizes each Asian American story. We are not a marginalized group who deserved to be seen of as “Other.” Drawing upon counter