Western Weekender

Passion & Perspective Episode 11 - Ashlee Bucholtz



Ashlee Bucholtz grew up in Oaky Park, Lithgow and developed a love for art and painting at an early age. Having attended the Newcastle Art School and National Art School, she took valuable learnings as a person and an artist that helped shape her perspective. “They (art schools) teach you how to challenge yourself and to challenge your skills, to have a standard that you want to achieve,” Ashlee said. “But, also to understand that it’s okay to make a bad artwork. The more you fail the more successful you will be.” Currently residing in the Blue Mountains, Ashlee continues to develop her artwork and spends time as a part-time art educator. The focus of her work is on ambiguous spaces using unconventional colour, stimulating the sensory experience for the viewer. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE PASSION & PERSPECTIVE PODCAST [INSERT LINK] At the age of 24, Ashlee was told she had Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Whilst confronting, the diagnosis has enabled a refined and clear focus on her life, her health and he