Western Weekender

Passion & Perspective Episode 3: Aidan Williams



Aidan Williams has seen some of the most picturesque parts of the world. As an adventure photographer, with a passion for the outdoors and a determination to capture amazing moments, Aidan has followed some of the world’s leading highliners on their death-defying journeys. Growing up in the Blue Mountains, the epicentre of outdoor adventure in Sydney, Aidan uncovered the power of photography and its ability to communicate special moments with others. Despite landing a dream job as a photographer for a major newspaper, Aidan followed his instincts – leaving his work to travel overseas, uncovering the wild and devoted world of highlining. With the support of friends and family, Aidan showed persistence and embraced the risk of a career change. His bold career move uncovered the need for photography in highlining and opened Aidan to an exciting new world. “(I decided) I’m going to find what this is. I’m going to throw myself at it. Not even knowing what it looked like!”, Williams said. “It just really captu