Western Weekender

Passion & Perspective Episode 1: Jazz Hourigan



For Jazz Hourigan, music and performing has been a major part of his life. Striving for success and fame in the music industry has provided many highs and many lows for the local musician. Growing up in the Blue Mountains, it was sport and family that absorbed Jazz’s time and attention, forging a promising rugby career through his teenage years. However, through the back-end of his high-school years a chance opportunity with music changed the course of his young life. Starting with local gigs at prominent Penrith and Blue Mountains venues, Jazz, along with a close friend, developed a strong following as a DJ duo. Performing alongside many recognised names in the industry opened doors for the duo, known as ‘Jagged Beatz’. Before long, mainstream festivals such as ‘Future Music’ beckoned. Jazz’s self-determination and drive has always underpinned his work and this ambition saw him take on a unique opportunity to travel to Los Angeles, with a dream of landing a record deal with US producers. Despite the g