Re Knowledge

6 Texts For Online Leads



The 6 texts you should send every online lead Key Takeaways • Using these 6 scripts on one lead within 24 hours of receiving an inquiry maximizes the chances of conversion, according to Wendy Forsythe. Six is the “magic number” when it comes to converting online leads, according to Wendy Forsythe, head of global operations at Carrington Real Estate Services. If you call or text (or both) leads using six scripts within 24 hours of receiving an inquiry, you should make contact with more nine out of 10 online leads, said Forsythe in a presentation at Inman Connect San Francisco on how to convert online leads. Contact attempt no. 1 (made as fast as possible): Introduce yourself and the company you work for; thank the lead for the inquiry; mention the property the lead asked about; mention where the lead made the inquiry from (e.g. brokerage website, Zillow,, etc.); and note that you’ll call again in a couple hours if you don’t hear back. The voicemail you leave or the text you send might look l