Kate Hastings Show

Beauty is in the Mind of the Beholder, Who Sets the Standards?



We live in a world full of beauty standards defined by external factors like the media and society. Have you ever stopped to think what beauty standards you are personally following and why?  Realizing there is a subconscious programing, that we were either born into or inherited by our external environments that shaped our thinking. Why are we following a standards that have nothing to do with our personal beliefs, values and level of standards?  How can you truly be happy by living and viewing beauty through a collective standard? Think about it....  I believe when you begin to question, de-program and re-program yourself to your own definition of what beauty is, you can reduce the amount of suffering and the limited views we've constructed towards this false sense of reality.  The beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that counts on our weak minds, insecurities and drives us to distort ourselves to fit into some image of ‘perfection’ that will never be attainable.  Tune in! @coachkate1