Our Deepest Secrets Revealed

Women: how to have a rocking career and profound intimate relationship



In American, almost one third of working women are out-earning their husbands, they’re going to college at higher rates than men, and they’re blowing their male counterparts away in CEO and leadership positions nationwide. But many of us are starving for genuine intimacy. That’s why in today’s episode we will be discussing: How to have a rocking career and profound intimate relationship.    I have invited Londin Angel Winters to share her perspective, after reading her book - The Awakened Woman’s Guide to Everlasting Love. I highly recommend this book!    We talk about -  Boardroom versus Bedroom: Why are different approaches required for success in each area of your life? Alpha and Omega…both men and women flow in and out of these two modes throughout the day. We discuss how you can concsiously flow between these and what it means in a relationship with the various combinations (Alpha/Alpha; Omega/Omega; Alpha/Omega) as well as how we help our man step into Alpha. How do men and women repel love, when