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Body Language - signs to notice when dating and in relationships



People are communicating so much to us without ever uttering a word. In fact, 93% of all communication is non-verbal. That’s why I thought it was time to discuss Body Language when dating or in a relationship. To discuss the unspoken signs communicated via body language I've invited Tracey Thomson to the show. We talk about signs when someone is showing interest in you from across the room (plus signs someone isn't interested when on a first date), signs someone is lying or a narcissist, spotting the "player" and navigating genuine instincts versus negative self-talk.  Tracey is the co-founder of TRUTHPLANE and co-author of TRUTH & LIES What People Are Really Thinking. The new book explains all these subtle cues to assist us when dating or even in our current relationships. TRUTH & LIES What People Are Really Thinking is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Truth-Lies-People-Really-Thinking/dp/1443452092