Our Deepest Secrets Revealed

Are you or your love interest emotionally ready for each other? - The Male & Female Perspective



Themes for today’s episode and some quotes I’d like to share with you all: “Love when you’re ready and not when you’re alone” ~ UNKNOWN. “The wrong relationships teach you how to recognize the right one when it arrives”~ Mandy Hale. And finally: “you can’t make someone be ready for what you’re ready for. And you’re not obligated to wait around for them to make up their mind”~ UNKNOWN. Today we are going to talk about: Are you or your love interest emotionally ready for each other? I’ve invited to the show Antia & Brody Boyd to discuss this and share their thoughts and advice for anyone wants to know if a love interest is emotionally ready or possibly discover you aren't as ready as you personally thought yourself. Antia & Brody are dating coaches and have been helping thousands of successful single men & women all over the world for over two decades combined. They help people to attract the ideal partner of their dreams quickly without the feelings of loneliness, frustration or like you’re w