Our Deepest Secrets Revealed

How you can create heaven on earth



“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, not by heaven or hell” said the Buddha. To expand on this further, I wonder if feeling complete self-love is how we experience heaven on earth? So today we are discussing the concept of creating Heaven on Earth for yourself. I’ve invited back to the show, Brandon Bozarth, to explain to us his concept of creating Heaven on Earth. We talk about detachment, self-love, being excited to die, how to see something previously perceived as negative as a blessing and why self-love is important for our relationships...in particular when dating or in a romantic relationship. Brandon helps visionaries, entrepreneurs and thought leaders mater their life’s work by integrating their fear so they can experience true freedom. He has a coaching business, holds retreats, workshops, and seminars in the U.S. and abroad and is available for coaching here in Los Angeles and of cour