Our Deepest Secrets Revealed

It's time to play big & share your gifts with the world



Recently I watched a very inspirational video called “It’s Time To Wake Up”. Every moment in life we have a choice to live by design or default. We can create our own reality as life is about choices. Every single day. So today we are discussing why it is time to play big and share your gifts with the world and how you do this. I’ve invited the man behind the video, Brandon Bozarth. We discuss discovering your purpose, personal superpowers, why people keep themselves small and how to shift out of this into greatness. Brandon helps visionaries, entrepreneurs and thought leaders master their life’s work by integrating their fear so they can experience true freedom. Brandon has a coaching business, holds retreats, workshops, and seminars in the U.S. and abroad.     Watched the inspiration video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hycq4GPHwn4   Connect with Brandon: https://www.brandonbozarth.com