Our Deepest Secrets Revealed

Open Relationships - do they work & what are the rules?



Open Relationships are becoming popular and today we discuss the dynamic of these relationships with Erik Newton. He is the Founder of Together Magazine and host of the podcast Together. We discuss: what is the definition of an open relationship and what does it mean to live such a lifestyle? What are the rules? How do you deal with jealousy? And general advice for anyone considering an open relationship. Erik is a former family law attorney, and describes himself as someone who’s “been through a thousand divorces and still believes in love.” Ultimately, his calling to help couples build healthy relationships superseded his legal career, and he decided to dedicate himself full-time to creating a place couples could go for information, inspiration, and a big dose of truth. That’s when Together was born. He has interviewed dozens of non-monogamous couples and written several articles on the subject. Make sure you check out Together.   Together Magazine: http://together.guide/magazine/ Together podcast: ht