Our Deepest Secrets Revealed

My Breakup Story – the darkness and how I started healing



Thank you so much for all the feedback and support with my new podcast, I am truly grateful! So many of you are opening up to me and I hear your pain and heartache. I can very much relate to this and I thought to give you some inspiration and hope, I would share my story.   Two and half years ago life was very dark for me and I didn’t see how I would get through it as my whole life crumbled around me. Literally everything was ripped out from under me - my beloved dog, long-term relationship, planned future and home…all within two months.   It took all my effort to get myself out of this dark place and eventually see the beauty in life again and press re-set on a new life.   Now life is beautiful and I am truly happy and feel joy every day. This is something you can feel again. So in this podcast I share with you the darkness but also how I got myself out of this space and healed. I hope you can use some of these strategies to help you get into happy state of mind as well.   It’s time to rise like a ph