Ascend Podcast

AP 41: Warrior Code • David Whitehead



- Truth is exposed through creative thought - Truth starts within - The biggest truth is finding out the, unknown of who you are inside - What is the truth warrior - Lets find out the truth...Together - Process of becoming the warrior - Overcoming the challenges of life - Everybody needs guidance - Guiding light will hide all the fear - Depression linked to nutrient deficiency - How can we use ancient warriors philosophy to help change the modern warrior - The truth behind the existence of war - A warrior understanding the importance of honour, and the power of honour for us all. - The warrior bringing energy - Does a powerful culture in society await? - Beyond an individualised self - You have to put on your own energy mask on first - The truest moment of your entire life - The power of African proverbs - Why there is no superman - No one coming to save us - Embrace the struggle - Become honest with yourself  - Why we are all providers Meet David Whitehead, David is a full time Marti