Lancaster Story Slam Podcast

Blank Canvas



Welcome to the Lancaster Story Slam podcast! We kicked off our 6th season of Lancaster Story Slam with the theme “Blank Canvas.” With the turning over of the new year and resolutions made, “Blank Canvas” seemed like a truly fitting theme for January. Our talented storytellers and some amazing first-time storytellers came out for the evening to share their stories with us. Our winner for January’s Story Slam was Swapna Deshpande with her story about the year she became a doctor and a mother at the same time. Her canvas quickly became filled with sleepless nights and feelings of guilt, but in the end, she discovered the truth - you can be a good mom and a doctor, too.   Next up is Sitawa Wafula with her story of going from a well-respected mental health advocate in Kenya to a student in Lancaster, PA. Now a word from LancLiving Realty, our 2020 sponsor. LancLiving Realty is a local real estate and property management firm based in downtown Lancaster, serving communities throughout Lancaster County, and focu