Lancaster Story Slam Podcast

Changes - Grand Slam 2019



Welcome to the Lancaster Story Slam podcast!  Our Lancaster Story Slam Grand Slam theme for 2019 was “Changes.” Our talented storytellers shared some comical and profound tales about changes they’ve seen in their own lives or in the lives of others. Our winner for this year’s Grand Slam was Rita Clarke with a story of a profound and satisfying change she was able to make in another person.  Rita’s story won her the title of Best Storyteller in Lancaster along with several gift certificates to local establishments. Rita’s name will be etched on our Championship Trophy along with all past Grand Slam winners. Congratulations, Rita! Next up is Jeff Howe with his story about a friend named Sally and her bowling ball.  Our next storyteller is Swapna Deshpande. Swapna shared a story about an act of kindness by a complete stranger that changed her perspective and made her start to feel like she belongs here in the United States.  Our gratitude to LancLiving Realty who sponsored our 2019 season!  LancLiving Realt