Good Law | Bad Law

When Jurors Talk to God: A Conversation w/ Tanya M. Luhrmann & Malcolm E. Whittaker



Aaron Freiwald, Managing Partner of Freiwald Law and host of the weekly podcast, Good Law | Bad Law, is joined by Houston attorney, Malcolm E. Whittaker, and Stanford Anthropology Professor, Tanya M. Luhrmann to discuss religious belief systems, human judgment and evaluation, communicating with God, and how all of these notions relate to the criminal trial of the United States v. Brown and one juror’s early dismissal. What does it mean to pray to God in the context of jury deliberations? What does it mean in general to “have a conversation with God”?   In today’s episode, Aaron, Malcolm, and Tanya have a nuanced and highly complex theoretical discussion about the challenges and questions that arose recently in a criminal trial in which a judge dismissed a juror after he was overheard saying that he is communicating with “a higher power.” In the case of United States v. Brown, juror 13 was excused after the judge believed he was not deliberating. Was the judge wrong? Tanya and Malcolm explain why they believ