Visual And Performing Arts Hs Podcast

Weekly Updates August 9, 2020



Weekly Updates August 9, 2020 Hello VAPA Community! This is Dr. Edward Trimis, principal of Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School with a few announcements. Hola comunidad VAPA! Este es el Dr. Edward Trimis, director de Legacy Visual y Performing Arts High School con algunos anuncios. We are living in unprecedented times and there is quite a bit of information that you need to know as we start the school year teaching and learning online. Please note even in the virtual or distance learning classroom, we are continuing to focus on student success which including on-track high school graduation, on-time attendance, and citizenship.    Please note these days when students need to go to campus to return signed registration paperwork, pick up textbooks, and advanced instrumental students will also pick-up instruments. Pick-up times are assigned on these dates: 9th Grade on August 10, 11, 20, and 21, 10th Grade on August 24, 11th Grade in August 25, and 12th Grade on August 26. 12th Graders are also ta