Sam Talks Technology

Daniel Appelquist talks about the ‘Open Web’ and Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s new ‘Contract for the Web’



Daniel and I have known each other for over a decade. We first met when he was the Web & Internet Evangelist for Vodafone.We talked about Sir Tim's recent BBC Reith interview and Tim's new Contract for the Web.Today the web is being fragmented by countries like Russia, China and Iran to name but a few countries limiting their citizens access to stop free speech. Fake News is rife everywhere and our privacy is rapidly eroding as our permission on our data is centrally controlled.Sir Tim Berners-Lee's vision for the 'permissionless' one web space 30 years ago is in danger of crumbling under the weight of the behemoth centralised control of the GAFA's (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) and BAT's (Bidu, Alibaba and TenCent) who want to control all of our personal data for their profit.Daniel and I talked about these challenges but also the new Web 3.0 technologies like Blockchain, AI and DNS-SEC that is making the web decentralised, ethical, open, free and secure.