Sam Talks Technology

Matt Hodges-Long talks about how companies can manage this privacy & data risk before they face significant GDPR fines.



Sam talked with Matt Hodges-Long about the numerous 'Privacy & Data' breaches in 2018 that compromised the personal information of millions of people around the world.Some of the biggest victims in 2018 include T-Mobile, Quora, Google, and Orbitz. Facebook dealt with a slew of major breaches and incidents that affected more than 100 million users of the popular social network.Matt helped us understand how companies can manage this privacy & data risk before they face significant GDPR fines.We also discussed my idea of Company Directors needing a license to start and run a company. We don't allow people to drive a car or speed boat without a license but we do allow any Tom, Dick or Harriette to start a company for less than £100.Just knowing what your fiduciary duties are as a director and what you need to file before you start on your next big idea would seem sensible. Equally refreshing the license every few years would allow Directors to keep abreast of the latest developments.