All The Social Ladies With Carrie Kerpen

Show #46 - Petra Neiger



Petra Nieger is Senior Director, Marketing Communications at Polycom. Prior to joining Polycom, she oversaw a team that managed digital, social and traditional communications at Siemens Healthcare as well as held several social and digital marketing positions at Cisco. She led social business at Cisco, and was responsible for initiatives to deepen and broaden social capabilities, drive participation and scale social media through employee and customer engagement. She was named by FierceCMO a Woman to Watch in B2B Marketing in 2014, received Top Digital Marketer of the Year award in 2013 and was named one of the top 25 Digital Marketers in 2012 by BtoB Magazine, as well as made iMedia’s 10 Hottest Digital Marketers list in 2013.