All The Social Ladies With Carrie Kerpen

Show #18 - Courtney Spitzer



On Today’s show we are speaking with Courtney Spritzer; graduate of New York University and co-founder of SOCIALFLY which, she started with her business partner Stephanie Abrams in 2011. Prior to the creation of Socialfly, she held positions as a bond underwriter at Hanover Insurance Group and as a financial analyst at American Express. While employed with America Express, she was captivated by the social media movement taking place within the company and across most fortune 500 companies. It was then Courtney realized that social media was becoming a fast growing marketing platform and became fascinated by the quickly evolving industry and it’s marketing and communications benefits for all businesses. Socialfly was started to help businesses navigate the world of social media and speak to their customers in new ways. Since 2011, Socialfly has become a fast growing business that has helped over 100+ brands develop their social media presence.