Drinking Partners

Drinking Partners #240 - Los Vampiros Amarillos



As the Drinking Partners start the new year with a call for feedback as they head into year 6, they also institute some new rules of their own, like warning their guests of the “dangerous 9” they are sipping from Allagash Brewing. After coming up with a creative name for such a strong beer, Ed and Day introduce Keven, Jesse, and Ben from Los Vampiros Amarillos, a Pittsburgh-based rock band with a blues-infused sound who talk about the band’s equally-creative name, one that they adopted after their original name no longer worked (listen in for why). Their advice for new bands: Decide what you don’t want to sound like, which all three discuss as they share how they blended their individual musical sounds into a unified one. Another important tip centers on when and why to say no to gigs. The similarities between stand-up comedy and live music are compared and contrasted before the interview wraps up with more talk about beer and potatoes. Some things won’t change for 2020, including the Drinking Partner’s obses