Battle Bards

Retro Reprise Episode 11: Top 10 Gameboy tunes



Syp returns to the 8-bit era as he counts down his top 10 favorite Gameboy tunes. It's a harder task than you think, considering how long the system was out and how many great games and soundtracks were created for it! Chances are he'll ignore your favorite, but it'll be a fun show nevertheless with lots of cheery and catchy tracks. What's your favorite? Episode 11: Top 10 Gameboy tunes Intro "Theme" from The Smurfs "Staff Credits" from Metroid II "Town of Albano" from Lufia: The Legend Returns "Battle of the Holy" from The Castlevania Adventure "Stage 1" from TMNT: Fall of the Foot Clan "Ripe Seeds" from Castlevania II "Theme" from Monster Max "Type B" from Tetris "Tal Tal Heights" from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening "Birabuto Kingdom" from Super Mario Land Outro (feat. "Cave Stage" from Turok 2)