Battle Bards

Battle Bards Episode 97: The sound of magic



"Magic can be ANYthing!" The forces of magic run deep within MMORPGs, casting shadows of wonder wherever we look -- and listen. In today's show, Syl sparks a musical revolution as her fellow Bards struggle to rise to the challenge of defining what, exactly, constitutes a "magical" track and evokes that particular feeling. Did we nail it? You'll have to join us for the journey to find out! Episode 97 show notes Intro (feat. “The Magic Shop” from PlaneShift and "The Magic Forest" from LEGO Universe) "Ethereal" from Lord of Ultima/Ultima X Odyssey "Crystal Castle" from Fiesta Online "The Fortuneteller" from The Secret World "All Out of Breadcrumbs" from WildStar "Lost in a Spiderweb's Beauty" from Dungeons and Dragons Online "Garangdol Plains" from ArcheAge "The Elven Prophecy" from Runes of Magic Which one did we like the best? Jukebox Picks: "The Calm" from The Binding of Isaac Rebirth, "Kingsmouth Ahead" from The Secret World, and "Santa Monica" from Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines Outro (feat. “Magic Un