Battle Bards

Battle Bards Episode 93: It's a madhouse!



It's taken this long, but the Battle Bards have gone completely and irreversibly insane in the membrane! Today the team cracks open the door of the MMO music funhouse to see what off-kilter, crazy, and manic tunes may be found. WARNING: Once you've entered the asylum, you might find yourself a resident... for life! Episode 93 show notes Intro (feat. "Cutely Grotesque and Certifiably Insane" from WildStar, "The Dream Palace" from The Secret World, and "Mischief" from Infinite Crisis) "The Lunatic Court" from Guild Wars 2 "Woman Peeling Potatoes" from Tree of Savior "Steel Rose" from Aion "The Vault (Joker's Funhouse)" from DC Universe Online "Select a Sim 2" from The Sims Online "The Haunted Manor" from Final Fantasy XIV "Dirge of the Damned" from Glitch Which one did we like the best? Jukebox picks: "Tailor Made" from Lemmings (SNES), "Main Theme" from Robinson the Journey, and "Delphinus Delphis" from Abzu Outro (feat. "Dark Astoria Raimi Arcade" from City of Heroes) Email the Battle Bards! Follow Battle