Battle Bards

Battle Bards Episode 81: Goblins, Orcs, and Ogres!



They may be ugly. They may be smelly. And they may have no table manners whatsoever. What, we're not talking about the Battle Bards! No, it's actually a reference to the subject matter of today's episode: Goblins, Orcs, and Ogres. The most unglamorous of MMO races get their day in the spotlight, as the co-hosts scrounge through soundtracks to find music that best represents their various cultures. Oh, and apparently Ogres are the odd man out, because they get nothin' other than a sad place in the show marquee. Episode 81 show notes  Intro (feat. "Plight of the Ogres" from World of Warcraft and "Down Down to Goblin-Town" from Lord of the Rings Online) "The Crymbil (Goblins)" from Project Copernicus "Orc Village" from Lineage II "Kezan (Goblins)" from World of Warcraft "Goblin Village" from Runes of Magic "New Orsinium" from Elder Scrolls Online "Greenskins (Orcs)" from Warhammer Online "Cave of the Goblins" from RuneScape Which one did we like best? Jukebox picks: "Along for the Ride" from Poly Bridge, "Ligh