Battle Bards

Episode 76: Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns



“It’s high time that we talk about the Heart of Thorns expansion for Guild Wars 2!” Syl says, and we couldn’t agree more. The Battle Bards assemble to look at the first expansion for this fantasy MMO — and the evolution of the game’s soundtrack from the Jeremy Soule era. The verdict? Unanimous love for this incredible score! Follow Battle Bards on iTunes Follow Battle Bards on Stitcher Follow Battle Bards on Player.FM Episode 76 show notes Intro (feat. “Rata Novus” and “An Exalted Lullaby”) “Main Theme” “Auric Wilds” “Glint’s Legacy” “Tarir, the Forgotten City” “Far From Home” “Attack on Tarir” “Faren’s Flyer” Which one did we like best? Jukebox picks: “Main Theme” from Wynncraft, “The Dance Begins” from Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, and “Comfort” from Frosaken World Outro (feat. “Jaka Itzel”) Email the Battle Bards! Special thanks to Tesh for the Battle Bards logo! Battle Bards is part of The Gaming and Entertainment Networkof podcasts