Be Bold With Beth Whitman

076 - Colleen Poling - Registered Dietitian and Health Coach



Support the podcast through Patreon and get access to special audio and written content, be part of a private Facebook group and enjoy other benefits only for supporters of the podcast! ***** Colleen Poling is a registered dietition and health coach living in Portland, Oregon. I found out about Colleen through the VegFest website. VegFest, for those of you who don’t know, is a vegetarian festival/trade show that takes place in several locations around the US. And Colleen was a speaker at one of their events. Colleen is plant-based, meaning she eats no animal products. And while this works for her, she coaches people no matter where they are with their health and needs. Colleen is all about living life on her town terms, although she fully admits to struggling with this herself that’s the beauty of what she’s trying to accomplish—that it’s not easy but she figures it out. She believes in the power of taking risks, otherwise, as she says, we’ll just be stuck in place. I really enjoyed this conversation with Col