Brilliant You Podcast With Janet Zaretsky

06 Jena Rodriguez - How to Find Your Brave as an Entrepreneur



What if the most important aspect of being an entrepreneur wasn’t experience, knowledge, hustle, a great idea or even financial backing? What if the key to success as an entrepreneur is something you can just decide to be? That’s what my guest on this week’s Brilliant You Podcast discovered. When her experience and knowledge of accounting failed her. And her drive and determination fell short. Even when she had to accept bankruptcy as her only answer there was one thing that kept her on the entrepreneurial path. Bravery. I’m thrilled to have Jena Rodriguez join me on the podcast this week. Jena is a self-proclaimed ‘Brave Master’ who helps entrepreneurs access their own bravery. It something she had to learn to access after leaving her corporate job and failing at her first business. In this episode she shares the inspiring story of her bumpy journey to success and she explains how being brave got her through it all. Whether you’re still dreaming of quitting your corporate job (like Jena did) or you’re a powe