Inner Truth

Lisa Tahir: Healing Our Core Wounds Through Astrology (The Chiron Effect)



Lisa Tahir is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and host of the popular weekly podcast, “All Things Therapy” on LA Talk Radio. She is committed to working with people to heal through all of the senses of the body by utilizing: intuition, therapy, energy healing, meditation, Reiki healing, crystal healing, and psychoastrology to support spirituality, emotional health, and mental well-being.  Using astrology as a diagnostic tool, Lisa reveals how to use the astrological placement of the minor planet Chiron in your birth chart to identify the core wounds and unconscious patterns that block your capacity to have self-empathy and to forgive. Coining the phrase “Chiron Effect” to describe the magnetic pull that individuals have around specific areas of vulnerability, she explains how, like a raw nerve, the placement of Chiron describes what parts of our lives we might edit or hide for fear of being rejected as well as the areas of sensitivity where we are triggered. Offering a chart and online links to allow you to