Inner Truth

Matt Licata PhD: The Inner Journey Of Healing



Matt Licata, PhD, is an author and psychotherapist based in Boulder, Colorado who works with individuals, couples, and groups worldwide. His work focuses on the integration of Western developmental therapy with contemplative, mindfulness-oriented approaches to personal growth, emotional healing, and spiritual transformation. He is editor of A Healing Space blog, where he writes about the nature of a somatically-grounded path of intimacy, vulnerability, and healing in the modern world. Matt is author of The Path is Everywhere: Uncovering the Jewels Hidden Within You (Wandering Yogi Press, 2017) and the newly released A Healing Space: Befriending Ourselves in Difficult Times (Sounds True, 2020). This conversation centres around his new book A Healing Space: Befriending Ourselves in Difficult Times and explores the multi-faceted nature of our personal healing journey and all the ways it challenges us to find deeper and deeper realms of self-compassion, self-nature, and self love.