Inner Truth

Jonathan Hammond: The Shaman's Mind



Jonathan Hammond is an author, spiritual teacher, energy healer, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual counselor. He is a graduate of Harvard University and The University of Michigan. Jonathan is a certified Master Teacher in Shamanic Reiki, Usui and Karuna Reiki. He is on the Advanced Graduate Studies Advisor for Shamanic Reiki Worldwide and an ordained Alakai (teacher/guide) in the Hawaiian Shamanic tradition through Aloha International. He teaches classes in Shamanism, Energy Healing, Reiki, Huna and Ho’oponopono at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, The One Spirit Learning Alliance and other major venues around the world. He has privately studied shamanism, meditation, energy healing and the chakras with some of the most prominent teachers and healers in North and South America; as well as apprenticeships with shamans of Brazil, Bali, Nicaragua, Mexico and Hawaii. Before moving into his work in holistic health, Jonathan had a successful career as an award-winning actor appearing on Broadway and Tel