Inner Truth

Traver Boehm: What's The Story With Men These Days?



Traver Boehm is the founder the Man Uncivilized Movement with the mission to transform how a million men view and express their masculinity by reconnecting them to their inner strength, leadership, and emotional intelligence. He is an ex MMA fighter, a TEDx speaker and published author. “We’re here to show men another way of being. To get them to embrace their innate duality. To own their power and use it responsibly. To express their greatness without apology. To be the men the world so desperately needs right now. We’re here to uncivilize millions of men, then gift them to the world — as heart-centered leaders, an undeniable force to be reckoned with.” In this conversation we dive into how and why men are fucked up in 21st century culture and what tides of change are happening to bring masculinity back into alignment with maturity.