Inner Truth

David Newell: The Privilege Of A Lifetime Is To Be Who You Are (Introducing Destiny)



A year in the making and I'm honoured and privileged today to bring to the world one of the most powerful tools I've found in my years of self discovery. In my experience I've seen that as humans we are all programmed with subconscious patterns through childhood that can block our true nature and as a result we can end up living off course, off-purpose or doubting our gifts. So much of our true nature lies in the depths of our subconscious mind and our deepest longing and really the spiritual journey is to unveil that mystery to live in harmony with it. We were each born with a unique purpose and a soul path that can be revealed by the archetypal code of our subconscious. And today we launch The Destiny Course which through the ancient wisdom of the Tarot and Numerology in the Sphinx Code, unveils these precise insights for your persona life. In today's pod I talk about my own experience with it over the last 3 years, including some of the insane insights its given me and how much it has been able to reveal