Inner Truth

Stephen Jenkinson: The Grief & Mystery Of Our Present Situation



Stephen Jenkinson is a teacher, author, storyteller, spiritual activist, and founder of the Orphan Wisdom School, a teaching house and learning house for the skills of deep living and making human culture. It is rooted in knowing history, being claimed by ancestry, working for a time yet to come. He is a Harvard Educated Theologian and author of: Money and the Soul’s Desires Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul Come of Age: The Case for Elderhood in a Time of Trouble In perhaps one of the most cosmically timed conversations in Inner Truth's brief history, we navigated a conversation through this current situation with the Covid-19 outbreak through the lens of 20-30 years of his work contemplating what it means to die wisely and correspondingly of course, what it means to live wisely.