Inner Truth

Paul Selig: How To Make Sense Of Events In Your Life



Paul Selig is considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels in the world today. In his breakthrough works of channeled literature, I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, The Book of Knowing and Worth, The Book of Mastery, The Book of Truth, and The Book of Freedom he has recorded an extraordinary program for personal and planetary evolution as humankind awakens to its own divine nature. In this week's conversation we talk about how everything that happens in our life is a product of our vibrational and energetic accord with everything else. Many times we are confused with things that are taking place for us, but actually we are in direct energetic accord with those learning experiences. In this week's pod we unpack how to make sense of those things so we can continue to lift our consciousness to greater and greater learning experiences. Born in New York City, a spiritual experience in 1987 left him clairvoyant. As a way to gain a context for what he was beginning to experience he studied a fo