Inner Truth

Helen Morris: Life After The Dark Night Of The Soul



Helen Morris is the Founder of Samsara Communications, a top PR agency focusing on wellness and conscious brands based in London. Around five years ago she went through a monumental quarter-life crisis (read: Saturn Return) culminating in being house-bound for a month. In truth the crisis was a long time coming from many years of burning the candle in the PR business but also feeling astray and disconnected from her body, from her work, and from life in general. Many listeners (and myself) have been through a similar experience and what makes Helen quite inspirational has been her process of personal healing whilst also building a fantastic new, conscious business. Yet still, it's a struggle. In this week's episode we had a stripped back conversation about our dark nights, rebuilding life in the aftermath, dealing with ongoing pressures, boundaries, and conditioning, and why it continues to be a step-by-step journey each day.  She shares some hard won insights and lessons that continue to be learnt today.